Trash recycling
Uh-oh! Xavier dropped his ice cream on the ground. He wants to clean it up, but he can’t find a trash can in Rainbow Town.

• Make sure that you've visited www.LEGOeducation/start and watched the My XL World onboarding videos.
• Watch the video in the top right corner of this page to get an overview of this lesson.
• Select the inspiration cards you'll need for the lesson.
• Set up a designated space in your classroom that will allow the children to easily build and role-play with their models.
Engage (5 Minutes)
(5 Minutes)
Show the children the inspiration card of the ice cream shop, and read this short story aloud:
Today is a very warm day in Rainbow Town, so Xavier went to buy an ice cream. But… oops! He dropped it on the ground. That’s really bad luck! Victor saw it happen. He'd like to share his ice cream with Xavier, but first, Xavier has to clean up his mess. Where's the trash can?
Facilitate a quick discussion about trash. Ask questions, like:
- What's trash?
- What shall you do if you see trash on the ground?
- Why is it important to use trash cans in public places?
Explore (10 Minutes)
(10 Minutes)
Tell the children that they're going to design a trash can.
Have them work in pairs to design a trash can that can hold a lot of trash and is easy for the LEGO® DUPLO® figures to use.
They can use their imaginations to create a new model or use the examples below for guidance.
Encourage the children's creativity by asking them to incorporate materials from around the classroom into their models.
Once everyone has finished building, arrange the models in one place so the children can see what others have made.
Explain (5 Minutes)
(5 Minutes)
Gather the children together. Ask them to take turns presenting their models and demonstrating how the LEGO® DUPLO® figures use them.
Ask the children to think about what they've built and facilitate a discussion by asking guiding questions, like:
- Some trash can be recycled. Do you know which types of trash can be recycled?
- What can people do to make sure that their trash is recycled?
Elaborate (20 Minutes, Optional)
(20 Minutes, Optional)
Ask the children to find objects from around the classroom that people might put in the trash cans they've built.
Encourage the children to modify their designs to help people sort their trash.
Challenge them to make their designs attractive for the people living in Rainbow Town.
Evaluate (Ongoing throughout the Lesson)
(Ongoing throughout the Lesson)
Evaluate the children’s skills development by observing if they’re:
- Learning how people affect their environment in positive and negative ways
- U sing creativity to solve simple problems and showing the ability to make choices
Simplify this lesson by:
- Assigning each pair of children one model to build
- Running the lesson with a smaller group (i.e., 3-4 children) and providing more support with building
- Encouraging the children to design a trash truck

Teacher Support
Children will
Be able to collaborate as a team
Be able to create a model that solves a simple task
My XL World Set
Inspiration cards